52 - From Espezel to Comus

52 - From Espezel to Comus

Gps Track

Gps Track

  • Start: Espezel
  • Arrival: Comus
  • Total Length: 20,0 km
  • Difficulty by Foot: Medium
  • Signals: yellow-blue of the Sentier Cathare – map: Lavelanet 2247 Ot, IGN, France

Hours of walk: 5
Altitude gain: 600 m
Altitude loss: 300 m


The Sault upland is to be crossed again, along the route of the previous stage, and the west is to be followed, continuing along rural paths. You walk across the D 29 road and go up through a wooded ridge leading to the upland of Languerail, a mountain area with carthorses and cows of the Gascon breed pasturing in the wild. Towards the west you can see the castle of Montségur and the peak of the Montagne de La Frau (m 1925), visible from the steep slopes overhanging the Gorges de La Frau, where the Sentier Cathare proceeds to the following stage. The itinerary turns southbound, in the state forest of La Plaine-Comus, it then meets the forest trails leading to the Pas de l’Ours, and it proceeds along the hillside to the Col de la Gargante (m 1352); after that, the route overlooks a grass upland, the Pla du Boum, which is to be crossed to reach the Col du Boum. Walking beyond it, along a dirt road among terraced pasturelands, you can reach Comus.

Food and accommodation

-In Comus

Gîtes et Loisirs de Montagne
In town, in the old school, dorm and rooms, meal service, tel. 33 (0)4 68 20 33 69, www.gites-comus.com .

Office de Tourisme du Pays de Sault
Centre Commercial, Belcaire, tel. 33 (0)4 68 20 75 89.



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