46 - Da Termes a Duilhac-sous-Peyrepertuse

46 - Da Termes a Duilhac-sous-Peyrepertuse

Gps Track

Gps Track

  • Start: Termes
  • Arrival: Duilhac-sous-Peyrepertuse
  • Total Length: 27,5 km
  • Difficulty by Foot: Hard
  • Signals: white-red of the GR 36 – map: Tuchan 2447 Ot, IGN, France

Hours of walk: 7,30
Altitude gain: 1300 m
Altitude loss: 1250 m


After crossing the bridge on the stream Sou, you walk southbound along a mill race which irrigates some gardens. You then go up through the wood, towards the narrow gorge among chalky walls where the Pont de la Caune is located; here, there is a natural arch and a cave, where traces of prehistoric settlements have been found. Along a path twisting through a Mediterranean wild area, the route goes down until it meets a road leading to Monthoumet. In the area of La Prade the landscape gets wider, with enclosed pasturelands. After reaching the D613 road (with an interesting café bakery on the corner), you leave the village of Monthoumet on the right and continue towards the south-east, again through an empty, wild area. A dirt road reaches the big farm of Borde Grande, where teaching activities can be planned (animals are kept in different stockyards). The state forest of the Orme Mort is then to be crossed among Mediterranean scrub and beech trees at a higher altitude, towards the Col de Cedellan (m 594). You walk down a bumpy track, among Mediterranean scrub and many strawberry trees and heather undergrowth. You walk through the village of Rouffiac-des-Corbières (m 353). From there, after following the asphalted road for around 3 km towards east, Duilhac-sous-Peyrepertuse is reached. the marked track, instead, goes up to the castle along a very steep and impervious path. Reaching the ruins ‘where the eagles fly’ on the ridge is very impressive and is worth the effort. After crossing the whole castle and leaving from the main entrance, you walk along the access road for a short while. It is possible to take a short cut, avoiding the asphalted road, to the village.

Food and accommodation

-In Duilhac-sous-Peyrepertuse:

Gîte d’étape Les Lavandes
2 rooms, tel. 33 (0)4 68 45 05 11

Gîte d’étape Bergerie Bugamus
At 2,5 km from the village, on the GR 36, Route du Château, tel. (0)6 85 47 69 54, accommodates 12 guests, meal service.

Other options for accommodation can be found in chambre d’hôtes or gîtes ruraux in the villagge. Bookings: www.gites-de-france-aude.com , tel. 33 (0)4 68 11 40 79.
Many restaurants can be found in town.

Pays touristique Corbières-Minervois



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