43 - From Carcassonne to Monze

43 - From Carcassonne to Monze

Gps Track

Gps Track

  • Start: Carcassonne
  • Arrival: Monze
  • Total Length: 16,3 km
  • Difficulty by Foot: Easy
  • Signals: white-red marks of the GR 36 – map: Carcassonne 2345 E e Cazilhac 2346 E, IGN, France

Hours of walk: 4
Rise: 500 m
Drop: 450 m


The walk continues by leaving the village from the south-east of the Cité by the drawbridge at the entrance of the valuable old town. You cross the big square and then take the Chemin des Anglais (signed as GR 36) on the right to finally turn left on an asphalted road through a nice rural area. The route passes under the bypass and proceeds to the south-east among the scrub and uncultivated fields, until a residential area (Marseillens) is reach. Here you take the road named Route de la Cavayère, that passes over the highway A61. Continuing along an asphalted road, you reach the equipped stopping area surrounding the lake of Cavayère.

Food and accommodation

-In Monze

Chambre d’hôtes Domaine Marselan
Two very welcoming rooms, breakfast, closed in January. route Corbières, Monze, tel. 33 (0)4 68 78 63 46, 33 (0)6 80 07 75 22, www.domainemarselan.com. There are no restaurants in town.

Mairie de Monze
3 rue Cinsault, tel. 04 68 78 85 39



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