42 - From Caunes-Minervois to Carcassonne

42 - From Caunes-Minervois to Carcassonne

Gps Track

Gps Track

  • Start: Caunes-Minervois
  • Arrival: Carcassonne
  • Total Length: 31,7 km
  • Difficulty by Foot: Medium
  • Signals: none in the initial part; from the Écluse de l’Évêque up to Carcassonne white-red marks of the GR 36 – map: Peyriac-Minervois 2445 O e Carcassonne 2345 E, IGN, France

Hours of walk: 7,30
Rise: 150 m
Drop: 250 m


The route proceeds crossing the bridge on the Argent-Double and along first the Rue des Écoles and then the Avenue du Stade leading southbound, passing behind the Cave Cooperative, where you take a straight road through fields and vineyards; this road used to be part of a disused railway and it merges with the D 115, which is to be walked for a short while before turning right onto a road that leads to the D 11. You cross the road and take a rural road southbound, again through the fields, leading to a wooded area. You go ahead on the track heading southbound, ignoring the right paths leading to the farm of Russol. You follow the Chemin de Caunes; it used to be the connection between Caunes and Laure-Minervois. The route meets the D 35, which is to be followed until the village of Laure that has a pleasant old town and quite a few wine cellars. The old town is left behind by proceeding along Avenue de la Cave Cooperative towards the southwest. After walking for 700 m through an area of warehouses, you turn left at the junction to meet the D 135; at the following junction the left is to be taken again onto the D 235, which is to be walked until Rustique (m 124). You cross Rustique heading westbound, passing near the beautiful Romanesque church of St-Martin de la Commanderie and its cemetery dating back to the High Middle Ages. The route proceeds along the Chemin de Trèbes first and then the Chemin vieux de Rustique that leads to Trèbes. After reaching the town centre and the bridge on the Canal du Midi, you follow the bicycle path along the stream. The itinerary covers the whole track, passing near various floodgates (locks). At the Écluse de l’Évêque the track is marked as GR 36 until the centre of Carcassonne.

Food and accommodation

-In Carcassonne:

Chambres d’Hôtes Les Florentines
Not far from the Cité: 71 Rue Trivalle, tel. 33 (0)4 68 71 51 07‎, www.lesflorentines.net

Chambres d’Hôtes Chez Flo
In the Trivalle neighborhood, at the foot of the Cité, 65, Rue Trivalle, tel. 33 (0)4 68 25 40 44, http://cyril.oberhoffer.neuf.fr

Pilgrim hospitality Notre Dame de l’Abbaye
At the foot of the Cité Cité, single rooms with or without bathroom, dorms, meals, open all year round; 103 Rue Trivalle, tel. 33 (0)4 68 25 16 65, www.abbaye-carcassonne.com

Auberge de Jeunesse Saveurs du Sud
In the Cité, Rue Trencavel, always open, with restaurant and kitchen at guests’ disposal, tel. 33 (0)4 68 25 23 16.

Various options for food and accommodation can be found in town. Info: Office du Tourisme de Carcassonne, 28, rue de Verdun, tel. 33 (0)4 68 10 24 30.



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