39 - From Prémian to Riussec

39 - From Prémian to Riussec

Gps Track

Gps Track

  • Start: Prémian
  • Arrival: Rieussec
  • Total Length: 26,4 km
  • Difficulty by Foot: Hard
  • Signals: white-red ones of the GR 77 up to Col de Lalo, then a non-marked dirt road until the town is reached – map: Somail Minervois 2444 ET, IGN, France

Hours of walk: 6,30
Rise: 950 m
Drop: 700 m


The GR 77 leaves Prémian on its southern side, beyond the bridge on the Jaur and behind the local camping site. A forest track leads up to the Col du Poirier (m 520) and to the Chapelle de Notre-Dame de Trédos, to a wider area that is reached by a ‘stations of the cross’ pilgrimage path. The unappealing chapel is equipped with a small spartan shelter. The route proceeds through a confusing network of roads and forest tracks, still at a high altitude and on a stretch along the crest, and it then goes down to Rodomouls (m 551). The N 112 highway is reached along a straight asphalted way and is to be carefully crossed. The route goes up again, first among some cultivated areas and then through the forest, until the Col des Deux Aires (m 654). By walking on the asphalted D 176 E 6 you reach Pardailhan (m 551). The route proceeds westbound from the village, continually meeting the asphalted road and passing near the hamlets of Pez (m 558) and Copujol (m 611), through a rural Mediterranean area, with abundant grazing cattle and horses. After reaching the Col de Lalo (m 628), the GR is to be left to take the dirt road pointing westbound along the crest that reaches Rieussec after 2.5 km.

Food and accommodation

-In Rieussec

Gîte Res’Cousses
Accommodates 12 guests, kitchen at guests’ disposal, for weeks or weekends, tel. 33 (0)4 67 97 15 12.
There is no other option in town as for flats for weekly rentals. For further info get in touch with the town hall: Mairie de Rieussec, tel. 33 (0)4 67 97 01 96.

-In Pardailhac:

Gîte d’étape de la Garrigue
In town, open all year round, meals served upon reservation, tel. 33 (0)4 67 97 06 79



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