37 - From Murat-sur-Vèbre to Fraïsse-sur-Agôut

37 - From Murat-sur-Vèbre to Fraïsse-sur-Agôut

Gps Track

Gps Track

  • Start: Murat-sur-Vèbre
  • Arrival: Fraïsse-sur-Agôut
  • Total Length: 20,5 km
  • Difficulty by Foot: Medium
  • Signals: white-red marks of the GR 653 Chemin d’Arles, shells of the Route of Santiago de Compostela, yellow trail marks, then there are no trail marks for a while, and then white-red ones of the GR 71 – map: Monts de Lacaune 2443 ET, IGN, France

Hours of walk: 5
Rise: 400 m
Drop: 500 m


Leaving Murat-sur-Vèbre southbound the route proceeds along the Avenue des Lacs, passing near the hamlets of Le Bousquet, La Pise, Le Couvent Vieux. Beyond the bridge on the Vèbre, you take the right in order to meet the signed track of the GR 653 that goes through the villages of Candoubre and La Capelanié. The route carries on along the forest track going along the hillside of the Vèbre valley until the lake of Laouzas is reached, which is to be walked along from an upper path for around 2.5 km until the junction at an altitude of m 822. Here you walk on a track that goes up to the left and is marked as leading southbound, passing near a menhir and walking around the Mont Lébrousse. The track goes mostly through woods that are characterised by many reforestations and cuts. The track comes out on the D 169 and, beyond it, a trail going westbound is to be taken. At the following junction you turn left and immediately after you take the right on the track going towards the south-east through a less wooded area, keeping the left at the following junction. The route keeps to the left of the isolated house of Jongran, and then joins the carriage road for Le Pioch, where the GR 71 signs can be seen. At the junction where a menhir is located you turn left and, beyond the hamlet, you take a track leading to Fraïsse-sur-Agôut, under the shadows of some hedgerows.

Food and accommodation

-In Fraïsse-sur-Agôut

Gîte communal de Fraïsse-sur-Agôut
On the eastern end of the town, it offers accommodation in independent flats, tel. 33 (0)4 67 97 52 26, (0)4 67 97 61 14.

Auberge de l’Espinouse
Hotel with restaurant, 7, Allée des Frênes, tel. 33 (0)4 67 95 40 46.

Other options for food and accommodation can be found in town. Office de Tourisme des Monts de l’Espinouse, Fraïsse-sur-Agôut, tel. 33 (0)4 67 97 53 81.



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