35 - From Montagnol to Camarès

35 - From Montagnol to Camarès

Gps Track

Gps Track

  • Start: Montagnol
  • Arrival: Camarès
  • Total Length: 16,6 km
  • Difficulty by Foot: Medium
  • Signals: the path is not marked; parts of the walk with no trail marks and some passages on private properties. It is recommended to take the gpx track or pay particular attention to the map and indications – map: Camarès 2542 O, IGN, France

Hours of walk: 4,30
Rise: 400 m
Drop: 650 m


By taking the southwest along the D16 carriage road, Montagnol is left behind. After walking for 600 m you turn right on the dirt road that, after around 1 km, reaches another asphalted road; this is to be followed on the left for around 500 m. Just before this road meets the D 16, there is a track going along a field on the right, which enters the wood and reaches Carrière Escure (m 554) after a short while. From here you follow the asphalted road along the stream of Escure up to Rigal (m 469). Still on an asphalted road (D 540), you reach Sylvanès, with its beautiful Romanesque-Gothic abbey. From Sylvanès the D 540 asphalted road is to be taken towards the south-west and at the roundabout you turn right and walk along the D 10 until the junction at marked altitude of m 477 where you take the left. Immediately after this you turn right, proceeding along the road until the junction with a marked altitude of m 551, where there is the big farm of Gaillac. Here the itinerary leads to the left and you follow the asphalted road until Ramondedieu, where there is another big farm. Past this settlement, you reach the bend and take the dirt road southbound. This road then turns definitely towards the west. By twisting northbound to the right a bit further on, a dirt road can be found, which goes up to the moderate crest of the Bois Grand. After reaching the highest point of the hill (around 657 m), the route goes down to a saddle with a marked altitude of m 628 and here, at the edges of a cultivation, it goes down northbound to meet the dirt road to Les Pradels, that can now be followed without any inconveniences until the high area of Camarès, from where you descend to the village located along the river Dourdou.

Food and accommodation

-In Camarès

Gîte Le Chateau du Rougier
Big resort surrounded by a wide park, it offers: accommodation, stopping place, camping and restaurant. On the Northern side of the village, 19, avenue de St-Affrique, tel. 33 (0)5 65 99 59 36, www.chateaudurougier.com.

Other options for food and accommodation can be found in Camarès: Syndicat d’initiative des 3 vallées
9, Grand Rue, Camarès, tel. 33 (0)5 65 49 53 76



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