33 - From Vissec to La Couvertoirade

33 - From Vissec to La Couvertoirade

Gps Track

Gps Track

  • Start: Vissec
  • Arrival: La Couvertoirade
  • Total Length: 22,0 km
  • Difficulty by Foot: Medium
  • Signals: yellow-red marks of the GR de Pays Larzac Meridional. From Ville Vieille there are few yellow-blue marks up to Le Plo de Vernet. From Le Luc there are white-red marks of the GR 71 – map: St-Guilhem-le-Désert 2642 ET e Le Caylar 2642 O, IGN, France

Hours of walk: 5,30
Rise: 650 m
Drop: 350 m


From Vissec the route proceeds along the course of the Vis until the confluence with the Virenque stream, which also flows underground. It then goes up to the Causse de Larzac, again on the karstic upland that is here characterised by dolines, called sotch in Occitan language. You pass by the Sotch de Roubert. The itinerary passes near the village of Ville Vieille (m 693). From here it proceeds towards Sorbs and leaves the GR de Pays in order to take the asphalted road on the right towards Le Plo de Vernet. You go northwest among unvarying garrigue paths until the D 142 carriage road, which is to be walked northbound until Le Luc. The tiny village was a reformatory for minors until the beginning of the XX century. After walking a few kilometres on the D273, you follow the GR 71, which then turns westbound and goes down once again to the gorges of the stream Virenque, through a humid wooded area. The route goes up again to the upland and arrives at the entrance of La Couvertoirade. Just before entering it, there is a lavanha, a wide depression in the ground that is paved with stones. During the spring and autumn rains it becomes a water reservoir for the herds’ supply.

Food and accommodation

-In La Couvertoirade:

Gîte de la Cité
In the medieval stronghold, located in the ancient presbytery, open from April to October included, accommodates 16 guests, tel. 33 (0)5 65 58 17 75 o (0)6 01 81 94 18, www.gitedelacite.com. Breakfast and dinner are served in a XV century hall.

Other options for food and accommodation can be found in La Couvertoirade.
Service tourisme de La Couvertoirade, at the town hall: Mairie, tel. 33 (0)5 65 58 55 59, www.lacouvertoirade.com.



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