29 - From Florac to Barres des Cévennas

29 - From Florac to Barres des Cévennas

Gps Track

Gps Track

  • Start: Florac
  • Arrival: Barre-des-Cévennes
  • Total Length: 13,2 km
  • Difficulty by Foot: Easy
  • Signals: white-red marks of the GR 70 up to the Pont de Barre, then red-white ones of the GR 43 up to the Col du Rey, and then yellow of the del PR – map: Mont lozère 2739 OT e Corniche des Cévennes 2740 ET, IGN, France

Hours of walk: 3,30
Rise: 600 m
Drop: 200 m


The D 907 leaves the town on its southern side towards the Pont de Parre on the Tarnon. You cross the river and then a mule track leads up to La Rouvière (775 m), a hamlet named after the oaks, of which there are many monumental specimens in the area. You rise to Tardonnenche (800 m), which still preserves its communal oven and the school, besides many houses in ruins next to others which have been restored by the neo-residents. You then go further up to an asphalted road to reach the Col du Rey (987 m). The walk goes on towards the east, picking up a path after a short while which leads to Barre-des-Cévennes by crossing a rural environment with fenced off meadows.

Food and accommodation

-In Barre-des-Cévennes

Gîte La Croisette
Located in the south-east edge of the village. Meals served upon reservation, open all year round, accommodates 50 guests, tel. 04 66 45 05 28.

Office du tourisme de Barre-des-Cévennes
Avenue J. Monestier, Florac, tel. 33 (0)4 66 45 01 14.



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