25 - From Les Vans to Villefort

25 - From Les Vans to Villefort

Gps Track

Gps Track

  • Start: Les Vans
  • Arrival: Villefort
  • Total Length: 26,5 km
  • Difficulty by Foot: Hard
  • Signals: white-red marks of the GR 44 – map: Bessèges/les-Vans 2839 OT e Mont lozère 2739 OT, IGN, France

Hours of walk: 7
Rise: 1300 m
Drop: 900 m


You leave Les Vans from its southern side, along the Chemin des Fours ascending through the sparse wood and then across cultivated fields. The Mediterranean vegetation soon gives way to chestnut tree woods: Les Vans is actually on the very border between calcareous and mica schist grounds and gneiss and the granites of Cévennes. The border between olive and chestnut trees here is really clear-cut. The GR 44 goes up crisscrossing the asphalt road a number of times, up to the hamlet of Brahic. From Brahic the GR 44 rises to the panoramic ridge of the Serre de Barre, alternating lengths of forest track and paths. It then crosses the state forest of Mas de l’Ayre, passing by a number of rural hamlets with stables, meadows, fenced in areas for the animals and dry stone walls. You passe by Liquemiailles (803 m) and Mas de l’Ayre (846m). The forest path then reaches the village of Villefort.

Food and accommodation

-In Villefort:

Gîte communal Les Sédariès
On the southern edges of the town, in a big tourist resort. A kitchen is at the guests’ disposal and meals are served upon reservation. Avenue des Cévennes, tel. 33 (0)4 66 46 25 20.

Other options for food and accommodation can be found in town.
Office de Tourisme de Villefort, rue de l’Église, tel. 33 (0)4 46 66 87 30.



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