10 - From Barles to Authon

10 - From Barles to Authon

Gps Track

Gps Track

  • Start: Barles
  • Arrival: Authon
  • Total Length: 19,2 km
  • Difficulty by Foot: Hard
  • Signals: yellow of the PR Tour des Monges – map: 1:25.000, Seyne 3439 ET, IGN, France

Hours of walk: 5.30
Rise: 1150 m
Drop: 1000 m


The walk leads downward from Barles on the carriage road D 900a along the torrent Bès, to then turn right at the first crossroads in the narrow valley of the Descoure torrent. The path across the valley floor is interspersed with the trail marks of the geologic track which allow walkers to get to know the extraordinary phenomena visible on the overhanging rock-face, stratified and in vertical position. The walk touches the deserted hamlet of Vaux (1234 m) and it rises to the top of the valley towards the col de Clapouse (1692 m), where there is a mountain grazing for sheep flocks. From the col the route follows the steep ridge heading south, following the trail marks of the GR 6 Tour del Monges, swiftly leading to the col Croix de Veyre (1886 m). From the Col de la Croix you overlook on the valley of Durance and on the Provence, the vegetation being already Mediterranean and the typologies of buildings far from the alpine models. The walk proceeds across the state forest of Vanson, at the feet of the peak of Les Monges (2115 m), and it intercepts a dirt road which is to be followed up to the crossroad at a marked altitude of 1422 m. At this point you leave the GR 6 to go up to the semi-deserted hamlet of Feissal (1430 m), with buildings in calcareous stone and roofs in pantiles (one is particularly interesting seeing as it preserves an apse and big quoins). From the hamlet you walk up on a path towards the Croix de la Tatte (1561 m). You then proceed on a trail along the mountainside and later on the ridge, on the Crête de Pierre-Mont, to then touch the saddle at 1448 metres of altitude, from where you then descend to the dirt road on the valley floor of the Ravine de la Bastié. In the end, the itinerary leads down to the village of Authon (1146 m).

Food and accommodation

-Below the village of Authon, in a new residential area:

La gite des Monges
tel. 33 (0)4 92626050.



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