03 - From the Refuge of Vens to St Dalmas-le-Selvage

03 - From the Refuge of Vens to St Dalmas-le-Selvage

Gps Track

Gps Track

  • Start: Refuge of Vens
  • Arrival: St. Dalmas le Selvage
  • Total Length: 14,4 km
  • Difficulty by Foot: Medium
  • Signals: marks painted in yellow from the refuge. From the crossroads at the beginning of the deep valley of St-Dalmas. The path marked parallel above the road is little visible, it is marked with yellow bands and green spots and is now and then invaded by the surrounding vegetation. (September 2008) – map: 1:25000, Haute Tinée 1 3639 OT, IGN, France

Hours of walk: 3.30
Rise: 250 m
Drop: 1150 m



The walk goes on down on the track along the lakes. After the second lake you go up on the right to the Pas des Pêcheurs. You then carry on for a short while along the mountainside to then descend along a winding road to the narrow valley of the Vens torrent. At the floor of the valley you cross the stream and then go along a dirt road until the asphalted road is reached. You walk it keeping the left side up to the crossroad at the St-Dalmas deep valley where you take a path above the crossroad, not easy to find. The walk proceeds through the gorge in a Mediterranean environment, on a little path slightly above the street, up to St-Dalmas-le-Selvage (1476 m).

Food and accommodation

-In St-Dalmas-le-Selvage, in town:

Gîte d’étape Saint Dalmas le Selvage
Tel. 33 (0)4 93024461; anne-marie.issautier@orange.fr
always open, accommodates 24 guests

Albergo e ristorante Maison de l’étoile
Tel.33 (0)4 93024108, maisondeletoile@wanadoo.fr
Tel. 33 (0)4 93024497 (ristorante)

Restaurant le Forest
Tel. 33 (0)4 93024970



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